Know Your Numbers

Identifying your industry codes is an important part of proper business classification for banking, purchasing, and other business purposes.

Identify Your Industry Codes

What are industry codes?

NAICS and NIGP Codes are numbers that classify what type of business you operate. Industry codes, such as NAICS and NIGP codes, are numbers that describe what your business does. For example, if your business is a barber shop, then your NAICS code is 812111 and your NIGP code is 95210.

While the City of Golden does not require NAICS and/or NIGP codes to obtain a Sales & Use Tax License, it is a good idea to know these numbers for future reference with business banking, bidding on contracts, etc.

Why do I need industry codes?

It is important to correctly identify which industry codes apply to your business. Cities and other governments use industry codes for things like taxation and licensing. You will likely encounter many government forms that require an industry code as you run your business.

How do I identify my industry codes?

You can determine your NAICS and/or NIGP code(s) using their free online tools.

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