
GURA will match 50% of project costs up to $5,000 per grant. Applications are due October 31st to be reviewed at the November GURA meeting on the 13th.

Façade Improvements include, but are not limited to: Painting of façade, Siding/exterior replacement, Awnings and canopies, Masonry cleaning, Architectural details, Exterior lighting, Signage, Public Art and murals that are maintained by the property owner and do not advertise, Professional Services, Architectural design, and/or Sustainability efforts (Energy audits, water testing, etc.).

Grants will be awarded on a reimbursement basis and do not apply to past work. Please submit application prior to commiting to or undertaking any work that is dependent on potential GURA Grant funding.

Completion of the project should take less than twelve months after approved for funding, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

If renting, you must include a letter from the property owner approving the potential project.

Your business must be located within the GURA boundaries.

Outdoor furniture will not be considered for this grant program.

Grants will not be awarded for routine maintenance.

The improvements to your building must comply with all City of Golden codes and ordinances, and laws.

All submittals become public once received by GURA.

All recipient organizations must operate in an open and transparent manner and make financial statements available for reasonable inspection.

GURA does not intend to become a regular, anticipated funding partner with any organization. We hope that our limited funding will enable worthwhile organizations to establish permanent funding sources; rise to new levels of service; meet an urgent need or take advantage of a unique opportunity. Likewise, if we can help build a small or large improvement that will last for many years and contribute to life in Golden, we are interested in making one-time or occasional contributions.

GURA reserves the right to reject any and all applications and to waive minor irregularities in grant applications.

If there might be a conflict of interest, you must clearly state the potential conflict in your grant application. If you do not disclose your potential conflict during the application process, GURA has the right to revoke your grant if GURA discovers a conflict after you or your business has been approved for funding.

GURA defines conflict of interest as it relates to GURA grant funding program as follows:

Grant funds cannot be used on any other projects other than for the purposes stated in your grant application.

Funding cannot be used to financially benefit a business or interest of relative(s)

GURA funding cannot be used to provide personal financial benefit

All activities must comply with City of Golden ordinances and not break any laws.

The business must have a valid City of Golden Business/Sales Tax license.


If you can answer Yes to the following questions you are eligible to apply for the GURA grant

Is your business located within the West Colfax Plan Area or Central Neighborhoods Plan Area?

If renting, do you have expressed written permission from the property owner?

Do you have (or will obtain) written quotes from at least two different businesses/contractors to complete the desired work?

Application and Funding Process

Applications are accepted throughout the year.

All eligible applicants, as determined by the GURA board, will receive a grant until funds are depleted for the program.

You might be asked to present your funding request to the GURA board at a regularly scheduled GURA meeting, which occurs on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at 911 10th Street, except in November. The November meeting will be held on the 13th. (Golden City Council Chambers).

If awarded a grant, you must agree to the terms listed in the grant contract.

After you agree to the grant contract, work has been completed and proof of payment for your project has been submitted to GURA staff, you will be reimbursed within 4 to 6 weeks up to the grant award amount.

The Golden Urban Renewal Authority does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in the provision of services.

Contact GURA

Robin Fleischmann / / 303-384-8080

Baxter Richardson / / 303-384-8065

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